There’s A Hot-Line

There’s a hot-line to the center of the earth
to the earth Mother, Goddess

There’s a hot-line to the center of the earth —
and it’s in our guts

There’s a red telephone in your belly
(let me tell you it’s a dial, not digital)

You wanna talk to her?
Pick up the phone,
and speak,
and listen:

Terra’s spring-green mounds

Your star-fired belly-womb
encompassing becoming
until it bursts into being

What’s the difference?
The difference
the difference.
What’s the difference?

and speak.
Pick up the phone,
and talk to her.

There’s a red telephone in your belly
(let me tell you it’s a dial, not digital)

There’s a hot-line to the center of the earth
It’s in your gut

There’s a hot-line to the center of the earth
to the earth Mother, Goddess

© Lisa Sarasohn 2013