What’s In a Belly? Caravan Trails, Portland, OR |
- Soul-Power
- Authentic Voice
- Archaic Knowing
- Labyrinth
- Inner Guidance
- Connection to the Mother
- Origin of Dreams
- Healing Power of Sleep
- Ancient Images of the Sacred Feminine
- Twin Pillars
- Peacemaking
- Resonance with the Earth
- A Belly-Powered Prayer for Peace
- Tribal Survival
The Gut Microbiome
Wise Woman Mentor, 2013-2014
- What’s In A Belly?
- The Belly’s Microbiome
- The Microbes In The Belly
- Your Microbiome On The Move
- Your Belly, Your Universe
- Your Belly, Your Primordial Planet
- Not Yet Ready for Roundup
- Your Microbiome Goes Non-GMO
Various Publications
- From the Beginning
Wise Woman Wisdom, Sept 2005 - Encounters with the Sacred Feminine
Wise Woman Wisdom, April 2005 - How To Love Your Belly
Yoga Bulletin, Spring 2005 - Homeland Security: Getting Gutsy
WNC Woman, April 2005 - In the Midst of Her Grace
Wise Woman Wisdom, March 2005 - Sex & the Sacred Girl: Celebrating the Sacred Feminine
New Life Journal, February 2005 - Reaping the Healing Power of Hara: How to Befriend Your Belly
Pulse News, December 2004 - Feeding the Hunger for a Soulful Sense of Self
Renfrew Center, November 2004 - Trust Your Gut: Enhancing Your Body’s Intuition
New Life Journal, December 2004 - Baubo, Belly Goddess
Goddess Path, October 2004 - Women Hold the Power — But Will We Use It?
New Life Journal, December 2004 - The Strong Women Summit
WNC Woman, March 2004 - Winning Through Cooperation: Reflections on the Strong Women Summit
French Broad Food Co-op Newsletter - A Self-Made Woman
Strong Women Summit essay contest winner - Losing Weight, Gaining Substance
Mountain XPress, June 2003 - Finding Belly Wisdom
by Debbie Berrow
- Healing Into Wholeness: The Solstice Story
New Life Journal, December 2003 - Tripura Rahasya: Mystery of the Triune Goddess: excerpt of Linda Johnsen’s translation of an ancient scripture of India
- Honoring Your Belly: Meetingplace of Body and Soul
WNC Woman, Fall 2002 - The Center of Healing
Creations, September 2000 - The Center in Yoga
KYTA Yoga Bulletin, Summer 1997 - Finding Treasure Inside
The Other Side, July/August 1997 - My Soul’s True Hunger
Personal Transformation, June 1997 - The Sacred Feminine and Where I Find Her
South of the Garden, Winter 1997 - Honoring Your Belly
MotherTongue, Fall 1996 - The Goddess Ungirdled: How I learned to love my belly and found the Sacred Feminine within
SageWoman, Spring 1996 - Healing from the Source
Sufi Healing Order School for Spiritual Healing, May 1996 - From Ancient Spiritual Practice to the Unified Field: The body’s center as the center of consciousness
Consciousness Research Abstracts, 1996 - Honoring the Belly
Radiance, Spring 1995 - Finding the Soul’s Home, Descending to the Riches Below
Honoring the Belly, December 1994 - Honoring the Belly
Yoga Journal, July/August, 1993 - Women’s Spiritual Empowerment: Fulfilling alternatives to addiction
Out ‘n About, February 12, 1993 - Planet Home, Body Earth, Mother World: A body/mind approach to developing ecological consciousness
Social Ecology & Community Action Conference, University of Tennessee, May 1992 - Your Belly Is Your Body’s Sacred Center
Katúah Journal, Spring 1990 - Trying Not To Die
The Mystic Muse, Winter 1988